Oscars: Hey Shorty!
Once again I will appeal to your selfless nature – Need an edge in your Oscar pool? If you want to know the difference between “best sound editing” and “best sound mixing,” keep looking cuz I can’t figure that one out either. So go ahead and just use the eenie meenie miney mo technique when you pick the winner in those sound categories, but I’m gonna give you a leg up when it comes to another Oscar crap shoot: the short film category. Where would one even see those films anyway? Well, Shorts International holds screenings all over the country… and you can also catch them on iTunes or OnDemand. So, get on that and pick a winner this time! Don’t just settle for sandbagging this year – win your Oscar pool and all the bragging rights that go with it.
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February 22, 2011 @ 9:04 PM
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ana Emilia Tassara,
Jenn Wong. Jenn Wong said: Wong this Way: Oscars: Hey Shorty!
http://bit.ly/ftATXn #Oscars11 […]
February 23, 2011 @ 9:19 AM
love your blog! found it through my friend jenny aka dessert
February 23, 2011 @ 2:10 PM
Awesome! I’ve seen some of your collaborations with DD! I’ve added you to my RSS list 🙂 Looking forward to following you