Oscars: Thank the Academy

Ever wonder who those faceless “voters” are or who Julia Roberts was referring to when she thanked “the Academy.” Well, said “Academy” actually hosts a number of events during “Awards Season” in spite of my penchant for zealous Hollywood quotation marks. In fact, you can visit the Academy and see their Cinematographers Exhibit in their lobby for FREE.
If you don’t want to do the DAY OF DOCS (see my post) – you can catch the Reader’s Digest™ version of the Day of Docs on Wed 2/23 where they will show snippets of the nominated docs and give you the opportunity to hear the film makers talk about their work. That might give you enough fodder to choose Restrepo over Banksy or Garbage over Inside Job… or at least talk some serious Oscar-smack while you hover over the guacamole.If Docs aren’t your thing, you can check out nominees in Makeup, Foreign Language Films or Animation. Check their calendar of events for the specific dog or pony show showcasing the nominees in your favorite category.
The Academy store has amazing limited edition posters like the one featured here.