Celebrate Pi Day
On the eve of the Ides of March is a day to be celebrated both by the lovers of irrational numbers and the lovers of flaky wholesome goodness a la mode. It is a day that can bring both gluttons and nerds together in the spirit of peace, love and understanding.
March 14 is Pi Day – so noted for the integer and first 2 decimal places (3.14) of the number known as Π. C’mon, who else besides Prince, gets a symbol to represent their name? The most common time of celebration is 1:59pm for the numbers that follow 3.14, however there are the hard core adherents who prefer the 24 hour clock so consequently celebrate at 1:59 am or 15:09 (3:09pm). Nerds.
Top 5 Things TO DO on PI DAY
1. Be Irrational
Just like the prototypical Irrational number, do something spontaneous and a little messy. Have a fit in the supermarket. Drive over 25 mph over speed bumps even though it says the speed limit is 15 mpg. Start a food fight in your cubicle farm. Drive to a bunch of Gas Stations and buy 3.14 gallons of gas.
2. Eat a Pie
Celebrating the number that aids the computation of the diameter of a circle, a Pie is a perfect companion to Pi Day.
Leslie Sarna has a lovely recipe for Pie on her blog that has a sugar cookie crust & also a recipe for Whoopie Pies.
If you’re not that ambitious:
Dessert Darling has some wonderful recommendations for sweet Π goodness: Tootie Pies from Texas!
If you’re in Los Angeles:
Porto’s Bakery has the most amazing Meat Pies I have ever eaten & they are small enough that you can easily eat 3.14 of them.
Swinger’s also has some great pies – in fact, Dessert Darling gave their Apple Pie her prestigious Golden Cherry!
3. Be a Math Fashion Statement
4. Get Married on Pi Day
WikiHow recommends getting married on Pi Day. Since Pi is an irrational number with no terminating or repeating decimals and has until now has no end (as of the last computation, more than 2 trillion digits past the decimal) – what better way to profess your never ending love than on the day of the transcendental number Pi.
5. Watch Pi
Now that Darren Arronofsky has made a reputation for himself with The Wrestler and Black Swan, you can go back to his roots and watch his first movie, PI, in honor of PI DAY!
What are you doing for PI Day?
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World Spinner
March 13, 2011 @ 3:16 PM
Celebrate Pi Day – Way of the WongWay of the
Wong… Here at World Spinner we are debating the same
March 14, 2011 @ 11:20 AM
I love that guys Pi Song. so much.
March 14, 2011 @ 11:55 AM
I think it is amazing celebrating a Pi Day too. I found out the
vent is held since 1989. In 2010 we coordinated a very nice
competition, with pie and gifts for the math fans. It was
unforgettable! I haven’t made plans for this year’s Pi Day yet.
March 14, 2011 @ 12:15 PM
Love it! I’m going to go to the gas station right now : )
March 14, 2011 @ 1:09 PM
Everyone should also check out Leslie’s recipe on Apple Pie: http://www.lesliesarna.com/2011/03/apple-pie.html
March 24, 2011 @ 3:18 PM
Apparently the song “What PI sounds like” was taken down for “copyright issues” – what does that even mean? who copyrights a number? Here is the author of the above video talking about the suit filed